太鼓衆一気メンバーとして国内外での公演の他、ソロでも舞台やライブハウス、バー、企業イベント、介護施設など場所環境を問わず演奏活動を行う。舞台「A Moment」ではダンサーとコラボ、エンタメ新喜劇では和太鼓奏者としてキャスト出演、ダンスやバトントワリングなど他方面のアーティストと共演している。2018年4月、アメリカにてソロアーティストとして招待演奏。
また、池袋New International School太鼓クラブの顧問の経験の他独自に外国人向けワークショップやレッスンも展開。
Erika Fujii went to Russia at the age of 14, attended the Bolshoi ballet Academy, and studied under Irina Lazareva, the master of ballet at the Bolshoi Theatre. In 2013 she joined the professional Wadaiko (Japanese drum) group named "Samurai Drum IKKI" and became a Japanese Taiko drummer.
As a performing group member of IKKI, she had been performing all over Japan as well as internationally. Her activities include a wide range of performances, including solo performances on stage, live music clubs, bars, corporate events, and even nursing homes. She collaborated with dancers in a stage show called "A Moment," and a recently in new comedy show she appeared as a Japanese drummer.
In addition to performing, she taught Wadaiko to children at the Ikebukuro New International School and serves as an advisor of their Taiko Club, spreading the art of taiko through workshops to foreigners.
In 2019 she left group IKKI and started her new career as a solo Wadaiko player. She is performing all over Japan and teaching as well.